581013QA50/581011ja10/58101- 3xa20 581012SA07 Car Parts Racing Pad Rear Disc/Braking Block Lining Auto Brake Pad for Hyundai for KIA

Model NO.
Color Strong Box/Brown Package Box
Braking Performance 5
Less Wear on Rotor
Aramid Fiber, Ceramic Fiber, Copper, Iron Fiber, P
Brake Pad Factory Supplie Producer Wholesaler
Auto Brake System
100-200 Sets
Braking Performance 1
Less Noise Proportion
Brake System
Brake Pad
Braking Performance 3
Superior Fade Resistance
Braking Performance 2
Less Dust
Quality Level
OEM High Quality, 100% Tested
Braking Performance 4
Great Consistent Pedal Feeling
Semi-Metallic, Ceramic, Non-Asbestos, Low-Metallic
HS Code
Production Capacity
Reference Price
$ 9.00 - 135.00

Product Description

581013QA50/581011ja10/58101-3xa20 581012SA07 Car Parts Racing Pad Rear Disc/Braking Block Lining Auto Brake Pad for Hyundai for KIA

581013QA50/581011ja10/58101-3xa20 581012SA07 Car Parts Racing Pad Rear Disc/Braking Block Lining Auto Brake Pad for Hyundai for KIA 581013QA50/581011ja10/58101-3xa20 581012SA07 Car Parts Racing Pad Rear Disc/Braking Block Lining Auto Brake Pad for Hyundai for KIA


Item Description Disc brake pad Auto Brake Pad Car brake pad
Sample Samples available
Quality Guarantee 30000KM-60000KM
MOQ 100-200 sets
Materials Aramid Fiber, Ceramic Fiber, Copper, Iron Fiber, Phenol Resin, Carbon Fiber, Graphite, Aluminum oxide.....
Friction Coefficient 0.37-0.42
Temp. Tolerance 450 ºC-600ºC
Shear Strength 3.40
Certificates ISO9001/TS16949/E-MARK/R90
Customizing Thickness, Printing Color, Logo and Packaging
Packaging Color Strong Box
Delivery 20-40 Days
Quality Control 1. Material Inspection
2. Production Inspection: Initial checking and Patrol checking
3. Lab. Inspection: Friction Coefficient, Shear Strength, Hardness, Density  
Product Brake pad Advantage No noise,No dust,Safety,Long sevice life
Formula material Low metallic,Semi metallic,Ceramic Delivery time 20-60days
Warranty 30000KM Packing Color packing,Customized packing


Long sevice life Slotting process Chamfering design
Reduce wear and maintenance of brakd disc Tank cooling and ash discharge to orevent
Falling off
Avoid making noise during

581013QA50/581011ja10/58101-3xa20 581012SA07 Car Parts Racing Pad Rear Disc/Braking Block Lining Auto Brake Pad for Hyundai for KIA

581013QA50/581011ja10/58101-3xa20 581012SA07 Car Parts Racing Pad Rear Disc/Braking Block Lining Auto Brake Pad for Hyundai for KIA


Brake Pad For NISSAN
B4Y6-33-23A 41060-01F87 41060-AX625 44060-EA090 D1060-ED500 41060-9F525 41000-10G08 41060-11C86
D1060-50Y90 44060-N8425 41060-60U90 41060-0B025 D1060-1JA0A 41060-W5625 41060-05N90 41060-32R91
41060-91255 41060-11L25 41060-0P690 AY040-NS110 D1M60-CY70B D4060-LC44A 44060-31U92 41060-0T385
41060-C7125 41060-01A25 41060-4U125 D1060-9N00A 44060-44F85 D1060-5TA0A 41060-21T90 41060-5C590
41060-C7126 41060-01A26 41060-6N091 41060-70N86 D1060-JX50B D4060-MB40A 41060-25T90 44060-50A85
41060-R9089 41060-04C85 44060-4U092 41060-6T390 D406M-S2085 44060-EA085 41060-00QAE 44060-20J85
44060-35F90 41060-D1486 41060-CG090 44060-44B90 41060-62C90 41060-05B90 44060-00QAE 41060-23P93
44060-01P91 44060-01P90 41060-7Z025 55810-50E10 D1060-50Y94 44060-99B25 41060-M0125 44060-0P692
41060-03R85 41060-2F025 44060-04U86 41060-70T85 41060-72B25 41060-32J90 41060-1N060 D1060-BM600
D1060-F6494 44060-3F025 44060-21P86 41060-37J91 D1060-3TA0A 41060-74F90 44060-0M890 D4060-MA000
41060-09W25 41060-58A86 41060-37P91 44060-AV725 D1060-3JA0A 41060-AR090 41060-0V090 41060-AA190
41060-T7891 41060-72A85 44060-32G85 41060-9X225 D1060-1PA0A 41080-75025 41060-5Y790 D4060-9N00B
06903100-0 41060-45E86 55810-58J00 D4060-VC290 D4060-1PA0A 44060-7S025 41060-54C86 44060-60U86
41060-C7090 41060-6F625 41060-ZC025 D1060-ZC60J D1060-4GA0A 41060-EA025 41060-0N685 D1060-JF20B
41060-P9690 41060-58Y85 41060-VW085 D1060-JL00A D1060-4BA0A 41060-2F525 58302-29A00 D4060-JF20A
44060-54C91 41060-32R90 41060-11C85 55810-80J51 D1060-1LB2A 41060-2N290 41060-89E92 41060-G1985
D4060-4CA0A 41060-A1125 D1060-4KH0C 41060-G3425 D1060-3XA0A 41060-VB290 D1060-1HA0A 41060-CD094
D4060-EZ60A 41060-0M892 DA06M-S1827 41060-18W25 41060-72Y00 44060-8H385 D1060-ZP00C 41060-A1485
Brake Pad For TOYOTA
04465-21010 04466-28120 04465-32010 04466-65010 04465-12320 04465-26420 04479-30180 04466-06080
04465-42080 04465-02030 04465-14140 04465-36030 04491-20062 04466-22150 04466-50060 04465-05300
04466-20090 04465-0K160 04465-30070 04465-37020 41060-A1485 04465-22300 04465-50110 04465-0D150
04465-35290 04465-06080 04466-14030 04465-0D050 41060-18W25 04465-06090 04465-50070 04466-30310
04466-05010 04466-33160 04466-12050 04466-48120 04491-14090 04465-0K100 04465-53010 04465-02390
04465-05130 04465-42140 04465-10011 04465-BZ010 04465-10170 04465-02200 04491-50020 04465-WB001
04465-02061 04465-04030 04466-17010 04466-0C010 04465-12410 04465-52270 04466-28020 04465-YZZE6
04465-52070 04465-44090 04466-33110 04466-0D010 04465-22070 04465-52210 04492-22160 04947-52010
04491-35160 04465-52180 04465-10020 04465-20540 04491-12130 04465-28520 04466-30050 04465-0K380
04465-60280 04465-42160 04465-YZZAG 04465-30030 04465-27040 04465-23040 04466-18010 04466-30210
41060-91255 04466-12130 04465-05010 04465-30330 04465-12430 04465-65010 04465-F4020 04465-0K420
04465-20370 04465-25010 04465-12160 04466-47020 04492-14050 04491-14331 04465-33480 04465-02410
04465-60040 04466-20100 04465-20230 04465-0T010 04466-60060 04466-14040 04466-32030 04465-47060
04465-14061 04491-28080 04465-05020 04466-0T010 04465-60050 04465-50170 04465-28490 04465-0K290
04465-28020 04465-28260 04465-17100 04491-17110 04465-36010 04465-28350 04465-30340 04465-0K260
04465-27010 04465-20290 04465-02050 04491-14052 04465-28040 04465-0C012 04465-33270 04466-05040
04465-20150 04491-26220 04466-02023 04465-06040 04465-25040 04466-33080 04491-97203 04466-0F010
04465-35030 04491-32450 04466-42010 04466-06020 4 434 817 04466-51011 04466-33090 04465-05260
04465-25020 04491-32360 04465-28410 04491-14020 41060-M0125 04465-60020 04465-60220 04465-74020
04465-YZZ56 04491-28361 04465-05050 04465-33130 04465-02190 04466-60070 04466-02010 04465-35140
04465-35050 04465-28360 04465-0D010 04465-43020 04491-12141 04465-BZ130 04466-28040 04466-02190
Brake Pad For HONDA
43022-SM4-G00 43022-TA0-A00 45022-S30-G10 45022-S2P-000 43022-SJA-000
45022-SM4-A00 45022-STX-A00 43022-S04-E01 45022-SMG-E00 45022-SJA-010
45022-S6D-E01 43022-SZA-A00 45022-SM2-000 43022-SL0-E50 45022-SJC-A00
45502-SH3-G30 45022-SZA-A00 45022-S1A-E02 06450-SFC-000 43022-SJC-A00
45022-SB0-505 45022-TK6-A00 43022-S1A-E02 45022-SD4-A10 43022-S0X-A00
43022-SG9-000 45014-SAD-M02 06450-S5D-A01 45022-SA0-020 45022-SF0-600
45022-634-670 45022-T5R-A01 45022-S1A-E61 45022-SB2-780 45022-S7A-N00
04491-12141 45022-S0X-020 45022-S3V-A10 45022-SE0-505 43022-SWW-G01
45022-634-003 58101-32300 45022-SM2-010 43022-SD2-930 45022-SWW-G01
45022-671-305 45022-SH3-903 45022-S9A-A00 43022-SG0-G01 06430-SFE-000
55210-78460 45022-TL2-A00 06450-S34-000 06450-S2G-000 45022-TSE-K00
45021-693-601 45022-TP6-A60 45022-SEA-E01 45022-504-V10 43022-TRT-A00
45022-SA0-680 45022-TJ0-M01 43022-S9A-010 43022-S04-E02 45022-TVC-A02
45022-SA0-660 45022-TL0-G50 43022-SMG-E01 45022-SG0-010 43022-SHJ-A00
45022-SA0-681 45022-TL1-G01 43022-SE0-S01 45022-S1A-E20 43022-TVA-A03
45022-SA5-670 45022-SJA-E00 45022-SHJ-A00 43022-T7J-H01 43022-TV0-E01
43022-SA5-506 45022-SJP-A00 45022-ST7-000 45022-T3L-A00 43022-SG9-V00
43022-SA5-950 43022-SZA-A10 45022-SD5-000 43022-TBA-A02 45022-THR-A01
45022-SA3-G10 45022-TR3-A00 45022-S2C-020 45022-TLA-A01 45022-SEP-A60
45022-SB6-600 45022-TG1-T00 45022-S2A-E01 43022-TLA-A00 45022-TV2-E01
45022-SG9-000 45022-T2G-A00 45022-S5B-J00 45022-S6M- J52 45022-SG9-V00


Advantages of our brake pads:

1. Best price and high quality.

2. No noise, No asbestos, Long life.

3. Stable friction coefficient(FF, FG, GG), low wearing rate.

4. Great hear resistance, functionality under all driving conditions.

5. Complete range of brake pads for different car make vehicles, we have more than 1700 molds.

6. Able to manufacture according to customer's sample.

7. Best control of product quality.

8. Fast delivery, excellent aftersales service.

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581013QA50/581011ja10/58101-3xa20 581012SA07 Car Parts Racing Pad Rear Disc/Braking Block Lining Auto Brake Pad for Hyundai for KIA

Company Profile

HangZhou Rainbow Auto Parts Co, Ltd is a professional manufacturer of auto parts in China, which specializes in producting automotive disc brake pad, drum brake pad, brake-shoe block, lining, and motorcycle brake pad. 
After 10 years effort and development, Rainbow company has accumulated a solid strength and technical experience in the scale and exploitation of production. 
1. Rainbow is an integrated enterprise including design, production, processing and sales on automotive braking system. Productions cover full range of brake pad, brake shoe and brake disc. 
2. We have professional sales staff with excellent team management.
3. We're highly standardized braking system production process with a rigid QC system.
4. We have nice and fashionable designs to refresh your car.
5. Customization is acceptable for us.
581013QA50/581011ja10/58101-3xa20 581012SA07 Car Parts Racing Pad Rear Disc/Braking Block Lining Auto Brake Pad for Hyundai for KIA

581013QA50/581011ja10/58101-3xa20 581012SA07 Car Parts Racing Pad Rear Disc/Braking Block Lining Auto Brake Pad for Hyundai for KIA

Production Process


Q1. What is your terms of packing? 
A: Generally, we pack our goods in neutral white boxes and brown cartons. If you have legally registered patent, 
we can pack the goods in your branded boxes after getting your authorization letters.


Q2. What is your terms of payment? 
A: T/T 30% as deposit, and 70% before delivery. We'll show you the photos of the products and packages 
before you pay the balance.


Q3.What is your terms of delivery? 


Q4. How about your delivery time? 
A: Generally, it will take 30 to 60 days after receiving your advance payment. The specific delivery time depends on the items and the quantity of your order.


Q5. Can you produce according to the samples? 
A: Yes, we can produce by your samples or technical drawings. We can build the molds and fixtures.


Q6. What is your sample policy? 
A: We can supply the sample if we have ready parts in stock, but the customers have to pay the sample cost and the courier cost.


Q7. Do you test all your goods before delivery? 
A: Yes, we have 100% test before delivery


Q8: How do you make our business long-term and good relationship? 
A:1. We keep good quality and competitive price to ensure our customers benefit ; 
2. We respect every customer as our friend and we sincerely do business and make friends with them,no matter where they come from.

Products features:
- We offer GREAT PERFORMANCE brake pads for customer:
- Safe & comfortable braking performance.
- Asbestos-free, environment-friendly.
- Noise-free, Life-long.
- We supply brake pads FEATURING:
- Formulae (more than 30%) imported.
- Different formulaelow-metallic, semi-metallic, ceramic tailored to respective requirements of markets and customers.
 - Original quality shim imported form Japan to reduce squealing noise while braking.
 - Strong material of stable fiction coefficient under a wide range of temperatures.

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