Molecular Formula: C6H6O
CAS: 1 08-95-2 EINECS:203-632-7 UN: UN 2821 6.1/PG 2
Main application:
Phe nol is an important organic chemical raw material.
It can be used to produce phe nolic resin, caprolactam, bisphen ol A, salicylic acid, pic ric acid, pentachlorop henol, 2,4-D, adipic
acid, phe nolphthalein n-acetoxyaniline and other chemical products and intermediates.
It has important applications in chemical raw materials, alkyl ph enols, synthetic fibers, plastics, synthetic rubber, perfumes,
dyes, coatings and oil refining.
In addition, ph enol can also be used as a solvent, experimental reagent and disinfectant. An aqueous solution of phe nol can
separate proteins on the chromosomes of plant cells from DNA, and facilitate DNA staining.