Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose, HPMC, CAS No.: 9004-65-3, HPMC, Cellulose, Construction Material, Building Material

Construction Material, Ceramics
Coating, Inks, Plastic, PVC, Pharmaceuticals
Transport Package
Fiber Drum, Paper Bag
Reference Price
$ 2,340.00 - 2,880.00

Product Description


Chemical name:  Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose, Cellulose ether, HPMC 
CAS No.: 9004-65-3
Molecular formula:  C3H7O *
Structural formula:
  Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose, HPMC, CAS No.: 9004-65-3, HPMC, Cellulose, Construction Material, Building Material

Type 60-OBN 65-OBN 75-OBN
Methoxyl (%) 28-30 27-30 19-24
Hydroxypropoxy (%) 7-12 4-7.5 4-12
Gelation temperature 58-64 62-68 68-90
Loss on Drying (%) 5 max.
Ash(%) 1 max.
PH value 4-8

Viscosity Specifications
Type Specification Range  mpa.s
Very low viscosity 5 3-7
10 8-12
15 13-18
Low viscosity 25 20-30
50 40-60
100 80-120
High viscosity 4000 3500-5600
12000 10000-14000
Very high viscosity 20000 17000-22000
60000 58000-65000

Product Description
H ydroxypropyl M et h yl Cel l u l ose is non-ionic cel lul ose ether, made by n atura l h i gh polyme r cel l ulose as r aw materia l a n d se ri es of che mi ca l process i ng. They are odor l ess, tasteless a n d non- t ox i c w hit e powder, which can be d isso l ved in co ld wate r   t o form a transpa r e n t viscous solut i on.
P ossessi n g t hi c k e ni ng, binding, d i spers i ng, emulsify in g, fi l m coati n g, suspend in g, absorb i ng, ge ll ing, surface ac t ivity,wa t er ma int aining and pro t ect i ve co ll o i d propert i es.

H ydroxypropyl M et h yl Cel l u l ose can be used in bu il ding ma t e ri als, coa t ing ind u stry, sy nt het i c res i n, ceramic, pha r maceut i ca l , food, text il e, ag r icu ltu re, cosmetics an d ot h e r ind u st r ies

Stored indoors in dry and draughty place; Avoid rain and sunlight during transportion.