Molecular formula: C12H14N2
Appearance: Bluish green liquid. It is quick touch-killing herbicide than lose activity in earth and without leaving toxicity in the soil. Widely applied to the weeding in gardens and woods. Also applied to cotton, sunflowers, soybeans etc. The controlling indexes of Paraquat Technical Concentrates.
Production formulation: 42% TECH, 20% ION
Package: 200L DRUM, 1L BOTTLE
Product Name: Paraquat 200g/L AS
Chemical Family: Blend of ingredients (see below). Active ingredient is a Bipyridylium herbicide.
Uses: Water soluble desiccant herbicide for control of various grasses and some broadleaf weeds.
Physical Appearance & Properties
Appearance & Odour: Clear dark blue liquid. Obnoxious pyridine odour.
Melting/softening point: Approximately 0°C.
Boiling point and vapour pressure: Boils at about 100°C at 100kPa.
Volatile materials: Water component.
Flashpoint: Not flammable.
Specific gravity: 1.08 approx
Solubility in water: Soluble.
Corrosiveness: corrosive to metal
Ingredients Worksafe Exposure Limits
Chemical Entity CAS No Proportion, % TWA, mg/m3 STEL, mg/m3
Paraquat dichloride 1910-42-5 27.6 0.1 not set
Emitic low not set not set
Other non hazardous ingredients secret no data not set not set
Water 7732-18-5 to 100 not set not set
This is a commercial product whose exact ratio of components may vary. Trace quantities of impurities are also likel
Health Effects:
No specific data is available for the product for chronic exposure symptoms. The ingredients are not listed as carcinogenic in Worksafe's document "Exposure Standards for Atmospheric Contaminants in the OccupationalEnvironment" (May 1995), nor in NOHSC's "List of Designated Hazardous Substances" (April 1999).
Studies have found no significant evidence of teratogenic or reproductive effects in animal studies. Evidence of kidney and liver damage may appear within 1-3 days and evidence of lung damage may appear after a few days.
Acute Effects:
Very dangerous, particularly the concentrate. Product is poisonous if swallowed. Can kill if swallowed. Will irritate the nose and throat and skin. Attacks eyes. Swallowing 10-15ml or product is likely to kill. Immediate effects of poisoning include vomiting, abdominal pain and soreness of mouth and throat.
Swallowed: Data suggests that the product should be considered to be very toxic by ingestion. May cause problems if prompt treatment is not sought. Product contains an emetic which will cause vomiting if swallowed.
Skin: May cause skin irritation, white spots or cracking of nails.
Inhalation: Data suggests that the product should be considered to be moderately irritating by inhalation. May cause coughing and chest discomfort. Contains ingredient giving it an obnoxious odour.
Primary route of exposure is inhalation and skin and eye contact.
Paraquat dichloride LD50 Oral (Rat) = 150mg/kg. LD50 Dermal (Rat) 80mg/kg
An oral dose of 2-3g of paraquat is likely to be fatal if not treated.