What is Adipotide?
Adipotide (a.k.a. FTPP or proapototic peptide) kills fat cells, plain and simple, by targetingthe blood supply of those cells. Interestingly, adipotide is able to discern the blood vesselsin fat cells from the blood vessels throughout the rest of the body and is therefore highlyselective. Research in monkeys shows that adipotide not only causes weight loss, itactually boosts sulin sensitivity and offsets some of the effects of type 2 diabetes.
Adipotide was developed and placed into phase I clinical trials in 2011 to investigate itsability to kill fat cells. Tests in rhesus monkeys revealed that adipotide causes targetedapoptosis in the blood vessels of white adipose tissue (fat). Without a blood supply, thefat cells simply died. The net result was rapid weight loss, rapid decrease in body massindex(BMI), and improved sulin resistance characteristics. Interestingly, treatment withadipotide and subsequent fat loss not only improved weight, but actually contributed tochanges in eating behavior. Monkeys who lost weight with adipotide also showed adecrease in food consumption.
Adipotide and Cancer
Prohibitin, the molecule that adipotide likely targets in fat cells, has been associated withcertain types of cancer[3]. Cancer cells are known to require substantial blood supplies inorder to grow and metastasize. The ability to target prohibitin in cancer cells may providefor advanced therapies that target cancer without harming surrounding tissues.
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