20kv Polymer Fuse Cutout Insulators

Tidak. Model.
Grey & Brown
tipe 1
standar ansi
tipe 2
standar iec
tipe 3
sekring porselin
tipe 4
sekring polimer
Paket Transportasi
Wooden Pallet
Merek Dagang
Kapasitas Produksi
Harga referensi
$ 9.00 - 90.00

Deskripsi Produk


product name :15KV silicone rubber dropout fuse cutout grey with solid copper fuse tube 300A

Rated Voltage: 15 kV

Rated Current : 300A

Breaking Capacity : 8kA

(Symmetrical current interruption)

Power Frequency withstand voltage (dry) : 45kV

Impulse Voltage : 110 kV

Leakage distance : 240mm

Connector type : paralell groove connector silver coated


To be sure all batches of 15kV dropout fuese cutout are qualified , we conduct below performance tests :

1) Power frequency dry withstand voltage test

2) Lightning impulse withtand voltage test

3) Power frequency wet withstand voltage test

4) Temperature rise limitations test

5) Radio influence levels test



Used for distribution lines or substations up to 15kV , suitable for wooden or steel cross arm


Competitive Advantage:

we guarantee that all fuse cutout units are routine tested one by one according to IEEE C37.41 , IEEE37.42

before shipment . in this way , we can sure all product are qualified .

all related metal parts or insulation body are selected .

To offer high quality proudct is our goal .

we also advanced our design to save cost , that we can offer better price for end users.

1)  the dropout fuse cutout insulation body are high aluminum porcelain C-130 , 

2)  a layer of shinning glaze covered on the body , color can be grey or brown .

3)  the porcelain have excellent mechanical & electrical performance.

4)  Conductive parts use material copper, bronze or brass , it depends on customer's requirement.

4)  The fuse cutout are suitable for 34.5KV lines .



Used for distribution lines , suitable for wooden or steel cross arm


Competitive Advantage:

2 years quality insurance time are satisifed by most of customers.

to provide excellent product performance , we routine tested all porcelain body by 50% cantilever strength . for example 34.5kV dropout fuse cutout porcelain insulator Min. cantilever 15kN , we routine test 7.5kV withstand 10 seconds .

in this way , we can sure all product are qualified .