Introduction of Vitamin C
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid, also known as L-ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C) is an essential nutrient for higher primates and a few other organisms. It is a vitamin found in foods and can be used as a nutritional supplement. Vitamin C is produced by metabolism in most organisms, but there are many exceptions, such as humans, lack of vitamin C can cause scurvy.
Vitamin C is widely used in many fields such as food , beverage, breeding and forage additives. Its main functions reflected in following 5 aspects:
1) Keep food, fruits and beverage fresh and prevent them from producing unpleasant smell.
2) Prevent formation of nitrous amine from nitrous acid in meat products.
3) Improve dough quality and make baked food expand to its maximum.
4) Compensate the Vitamin C losses of beverage ,fruits and vegetables during processing rocedures.
5) Used as nutritional element in additives,Feed additives.